Following our acquisition by PSG®, an operating company of Dover Corporation, our website has undergone some minor aesthetic changes to reflect our new ownership, alongside our Quantex pumps receiving a name-change.
Whilst the game-changing pumps themselves remain the same high-quality that you’re used to, we listened to our customer’s feedback and created a new naming convention for our product portfolio.
The legacy names contain numbers which refer to the diameter of the rotor in each pump family. It is preferred that the name contains the pump’s approximate max flowrate in Litres per hour, helping our customers find the pump they are looking for more quickly.
This way of distinguishing pumps will also bring Quantex in line with the naming conventions of other PSG brands such as Quattroflow, and with the exciting future collaborations we are planning with our sister brands, it makes sense to make this important change now.
Along with the new individual pump names, we are also updating the names of each pump family. These group names will help differentiate which pump is best suited for microdosing, low flow, bag-in box or high flow applications.
The new Quantex pump and family names are as follows:
The Series 6 range will now become the ‘Microdosing Pump’
- The CS6-SD* pump will now become the QX2-SD pump
‘Series 13’ will now become ‘Low Flow Pump Range’
- The QX13-SD* pump will now become the QX25-SD pump
- The QX13-HP** pump will now become the QX25-HP pump
- The QX13-DL*** pump will now become the QX120-DL pump
- The QX13-EC**** pump will now become the QX60-HS pump
The Series 19 range will now become the ‘Bag-In-Box Pump Range’
- The BiB19-SD* pump will now become the QX55-SD pump
- The BiB19-HP** pump will now become the QX55-HP pump
- The BiB19-DL*** pump will now become the QX140-DL pump
- The BiB19-EC**** pump will now become the QX150-HS pump
The Series 20 range will now become the ‘High Flow Pump Range’
- The LR20-SD* pump will now become the QX100-SD pump
- The LR20-HP** pump will now become the QX100-HP pump
- The LR20-DL*** pump will now become the QX260-DL pump
- The LR20-EC**** pump will now become the QX265-HS pump
*SD = Standard
**HP = High Pressure
***DL = Dilution
****HS = High Speed/Eco
Gillian Harding-Moore, Director of Marketing at PSG Dover says “We want to make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for and a maximum flowrate is usually a good starting point for engineers. The new names will also allow the products to make comparative sense when sitting alongside our sister company, Quattroflow’s pump range. The small, aesthetic changes to the website reflect that Quantex is proud to be a part of the PSG family. It is a strong, stable and experienced mother company, and we are excited to strengthen Quantex’s product positioning in the pump industry”.
Philip Medcalf, Product Manager at Quantex Arc Ltd agrees “from listening to our customers and understanding their feedback, we’ve been able to update the naming issues they had in a way that works for them and also reflects our new partnership with PSG. We’re proud to be consistently evolving to become better both as a company and that of our product offering to our customers.”
Should you have any pages for our website already saved in your browser or flagged as a favourite, on your next visit, these should automatically redirect to the newly updated website page.
For all our valued customers, there will be nothing for you to do on your existing pumps, the name change will simply roll out onto the product order paperwork and packaging when you purchase each unit, and our sales representatives will manage the change on your existing account.
Should you need any guidance or support with the name change or have any questions, please email quantex-info@psgdover.com or call +49 (2065) 89205-0.